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Aroma Freedom Technique

Do you ever feel like there is a huge wall between you and your goals? You want so badly to succeed at what you want, but you just can't seem to break through.

The struggle is real!

97% of writers who don't finish a book are exactly the same. 80% of people who have New Year's resolutions and give up in February...exactly the same. But what's stopping us? We all know the saying 'you can achieve anything you want', the problem is that we are consciously doing it, but our subconscious is not yet involved. I'll explain exactly what I mean by this: Every time we make big plans in and for our lives or want to change certain habits, our subconscious is triggered. When our subconscious senses that these major changes are not safe, it creates resistance. Resistance can manifest itself in procrastination, self-sabotage or a critical voice telling you that you can't do it. In any case, your subconscious mind will hinder your plans faster than you eat a piece of cheesecake.

Try this: Think about the biggest goal you have for yourself right now and imagine that you have achieved this goal. Now ask yourself 'Is this safe'? and listen to the voice that comes to you. Many people are surprised when that inner voice says NOPE. It doesn't matter if it's eating too much, getting things done in your daily life or something else… Our habits have served us in one way or another, this to keep ourselves safe. To great frustration, when our subconscious mind works against us we can never go ALL IN! Essentially you are a prisoner of your own thoughts, unable to break through patterns and create the life you actually want. Do you see how your inner voice can hinder and hold you back while you are working hard on what you really want in life?

How does it work?

The Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) is a process that works to change that inner voice. It helps you to identify exactly and let go of what is actually holding you back. Using specially formulated blends of essential oils, we can transform those negative beliefs and emotions and anchor lasting change. AFT is not hypnosis or anything fancy. This technique was developed by an American psychologist Dr. Benjamin Perkus for his own use in his practice. But after seeing the results and how gentle the process was, he made it more widely available. As an AFT practitioner I am not a medical professional (but many psychologists and therapists use this technique). I guide you through the steps of the process and help you uncover and break through emotional patterns and beliefs that have held you back until now. For me, AFT has been really transformative for some of the beliefs I had. I was so stuck in certain thoughts that I really got stuck to take certain steps. Being able to let go of certain fears and associated patterns was a real relief.

Are you ready to try AFT?

I like to think along with you to achieve your goals! During the AFT session we use special oil blends from Young Living, when we do a live session I have these oils available, if you want to do an online session I will send you the necessary oils or if you use the oils from Young Living yourself are these the oils you need:

  • Stress away

  • Lavender

  • Frankincense

  • Release

  • Inner Child

  • And an uplifting (Believe and Transformation work really well but you can also use another oil that you think will fit your affirmation that you set at the end of the session)

Click on one of the sessions below to book your AFT session. I am happy to help you break through patterns so that you can shape your own life and become who you really are.

I also use the AFT sessions in my coaching sessions and coaching trajectories KLICK HERE for the options and prices.

I also have a private Facebook group that you can join 'Lettting go to move forward!' where I share everything about Aroma Freedom and where you are free to ask me or other members questions.

Love Joyce

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