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Letting go and TMRT!

The month of June is all about unloading, one of the techniques I use is The Memory Resolution Technique or TMRT for short. A process in which I guide you with the power of 100% pure essential oils with a therapeutic degree. In this technique you process a specific memory with a negative charge. You have the last of it and it's holding you back. You notice that you enjoy life less or not at all and you would see a change in that.

An example from my own life

6 years ago I was not doing so well, I was close to a burnout, my relationship was over, I had no energy left and I didn't know where to start. As someone who always lived in the complete conviction that I could and had to do everything alone, as an HSP I had a lot of trouble with the emotional charge that came over me. I have always managed to hide that well, only then was the gate of the dam, all the locks opened. It seemed as if everything I had hoarded, tucked away and ignored over the years, as it were, came over me all at once. It was overwhelming, the only thing I thought at the time....I can't do this alone!

A turning point in my life, never thought it would come to this, I brushed aside all judgments about myself and started looking for someone to talk to, because I thought I should do something with this but didn't know how or what yet.

I decided to go to a psychosocial counselor to put everything together, because where do those overwhelming emotions come from? Yes I had been through quite a bit in the past, but I thought I had processed everything. Nothing could be further from the truth, I had hidden it as it were, didn't let it stop me from doing the things I wanted to do, only subconsciously it still did a lot to me. During those conversations I found out about the violent events that still haunted me. I started working on this and managed to create peace for myself.

In 2019 I started training to become a professional coach, something I really wanted deep down, what I was passionate about, guide others, coach where they need it and to let someone look deep inside you have to do that first. can yourself. That is what I experienced throughout the course, looking deep inside what I need exactly, what is going on subconsciously and what are my standards and values.

The Memory Resolution Technique (TMRT)

It's really not always the severe traumatic events that have a major impact on your life, it's often the small memories with emotional charge that get under your skin. And those pop up when you least expect it. Because that's what our brain does, it connects events, even if they have nothing to do with each other, if they evoke the same physical experience, emotion or memories.

TMRT focuses on past events on the emotional charge, the memory will not disappear, but will fade, your brain does not let you go back to that memory, as it were, so that the emotional charge disappears. With the use of scent, we ensure that you can process and release the negative emotion that you linked to the situation at the time. Relaxation is created by the effect of smell on the brain. Next time you can think back to this memory without your brain jumping straight into the fight-flight-freeze mode.

Aroma Freedom started with The Memory Resolution Technique (TMRT), this technique is close to EMDR. In TMRT, just like in EMDR, it uses the memory composition.

At Aroma Freedom, evoking the memory composition is a very important part. You can think of recalling the memory composition as one step in the entire Aroma Freedom process. TMRT only uses essential oils where eye-finger movements or clicks are used in EMDR.

Processing events during the day is done, as it were, by labeling experiences. To take an example, you can think of this as a folder structure on your computer. Events at work go in the work folder and things from home go in the home folder. This is how your brain organizes memories and moves them from short-term memory to long-term memory.

When a memory is emotionally charged, it does not appear in an existing folder, it remains active in the short-term memory. And that always activates the amygdala, this can lead to recurring memories, this can present itself in flashbacks or even nightmares.

As a result, your brain links new events to existing events from the past, because part of the memory composition of the new event triggers the past experience. With TMRT we help to process and clear the memory from the past.

When is TMRT being used?

TMRT can be used to release stressful and painful emotional reactions that you have experienced (e.g. almost getting into a car accident, a recent argument with your partner, a stressful situation at work, divorce or death of a loved one etc.. .), or if you are haunted by memories or images of a past event, such as a house fire or other stressful life experience.

Hoe werkt TMRT?

There can be a lot of emotional energy stored in a traumatic memory. The lack of resolution for this event has allowed the subconscious to build a defense against the experience re-occurring because it was too painful or overwhelming at the time to process. During the process we will peel off different layers of the memory, so that the memory is still there but you no longer resist it.

TMRT provides an emotional detox, after a TMRT session you may feel tired or moody for the first few days, so it is very important that you drink enough water.

My first experience with TMRT

My first experience with TMRT was during my Aroma Freedom Practitioner training. I had already done a number of AFT sessions, which focus on the future, then you are really busy with your ego which prevents you from taking steps. But then the TMRT session came, I was actually a bit nervous about it I must say, but more because I didn't know what it would bring about. I knew I still had some emotional charge from certain memories and didn't know what that was going to do to me.

That's why I want to share an experience of mine, which I think everyone can probably identify with, at least the HSPs among us:

I was a teenager and had a fight at home with my mother's husband, the fight was about something very small, but as a teenager it is very big of course. It wasn't about the fight itself, but I was quite emotional about it a family friend came up and told me it was bullshit that it made me so emotional. That what I thought wasn't important at all. This gave me the feeling that my feelings were not important, in fact it was indirectly said that I was not allowed to express them and that I was not worth listening to. In the years since, there have been several situations in which I found it difficult to share my emotions, so that I actually did it less and less.

What do you think happened when I was in a committed relationship? A voice came up: * Your feelings are not important; * You can't make it clear what you feel; * You feel way too much; * He won't listen to you anyway.

Do you recognize yourself in this? I'm sure you've been through a similar situation, several times in fact. That you wanted to share something, out of enthusiasm, sadness or insecurity. It sounds harsh, but no one gets through childhood unscathed. Even such relatively minor setbacks can so determine what you think are your chances of achieving something later on.

I have now done 3 TMRT sessions on certain events that still had a heavy emotional charge for me, it has brought me a lot of relief, gave me freedom and peace, so that I can look back at these memories without recalling the emotional charge and also see them. no longer influence contemporary events.

Aroma Freedom & Coaching

That is one of the main reasons why I work with Aroma Freedom during my coaching sessions and ACT training sessions, during these sessions and training we come a long way to where you want to be. During my sessions I go very deeply into the real core with you and we can sometimes encounter some surprises. Things you didn't expect, nothing even thought were there and often there is a negative voice or emotional charge that prevents you from taking further steps. I then use the AFT and TMRT sessions to help you take the next step.

Are you curious about what a TMRT session can do for you? Please contact me via the contact form or send me an email at

Or are you completely convinced after this blog and do you want to do a TMRT session with me to clear up memories from the past or an AFT session to take further steps in the future? Book a session via my website.

Did you know that you can do a session with me on location but also online? I will send you a package in advance that contains everything you need to do a session online. So do not hesitate and book your session now! And Pssstt .... This month you get a 50% discount if you use the code #TMRT50 or #AFT50 when booking via the website.

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