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Ah, Sweet Emotion (Sorry, as a kid from the 80's I had to refer to Aerosmith) 😂 Now I feel really old for saying that. When we talk about emotions, we all immediately have a 'feeling' about it. Emotions can be soft and beautiful, but they can also drive you pretty crazy… right? Sometimes I even wonder 'where did this come from?' of 'Pffff I don't want to feel this now'.

If you are familiar with personality types, I as an INFJ personality type and High Sensitive Person (HSP) also feel the emotions of the people around me. So sometimes that can be a bit much, during my coach-training I learned a lot of exercises how you can distinguish your own emotions from those of others, what is yours and what is someone else's, but sometimes that just doesn't work. It's nice to have a little extra support every now and then.

Two years ago I came into contact with essential oils, because I slept very badly at the time and they supported me in finding a healthy and good sleep rhythm. I found it so interesting to see the impact essential oils can have on you, that I took an Aroma Freedom Practitioner course last year and successfully completed it. Oils can support you with emotions. If you want to read more about Aroma Freedom, read my blog Change your mindset, change your life! & Letting Go & TMRT To understand how essential oils affect your thoughts and emotions, let me first explain how your brain works.


This is also called the emotional center of your brain, because literally every thought, emotion, conscious and unconscious memory, reflex response, personality trait, feeling of stress or life lesson you have ever experienced is held here. You can think of it as a storage module, and one of its jobs is to process current situations in a split second to help you, based on past situations, what is the best or safest way for you to cope. think, feel or react. It ensures that you play it 'safe', that you stay within your comfort zone and that you are not harmed. It's stored in a way that it's not very accessible, which is why it's so frustrating when we try to change these things and feel like we can't. Do you recognize that? You can think of thoughts and emotions as wheels that travel the same path over and over, creating deeper and deeper tracks. We literally get stuck in these thought or emotional patterns, then it seems impossible to get out.

Inside your limbic system is something called your olfactory bulb. This is literally your 'sense of smell'. This is really unique because it is the only sense that is processed in this part of your brain, besides your thoughts and your emotions. Your olfactory bulb transmits information directly to your limbic system. Not only scents, it also transmits everything associated with scent. This is because your olfactory neurons themselves are capable of learning and remembering information, and they are constantly undergoing something called neurogenesis which means they are constantly renewing. Every six to ten weeks they are brand new neurons, ready to take in new information and relay it as messages to your limbic system.

By the way, did you know that research has been done on these olfactory neurons and that they are actually located throughout your body. And did you know that your liver can actually smell what's going through it?! Remember this, I'll come back to that in a moment. Essential oils are made up of natural and aromatic compounds. Most people today understand how they work in the body. Lavender soothes and calms irritated skin, peppermint stimulates digestion and tea tree promotes healing. Just as these oils have their effect on different systems in your body, the oils also work aromatically on different systems in your brain. Due to the olfactory bulb, some oils have a calming effect on parts of the limbic system and other oils stimulate parts of the limbic brain. It can evoke memories, they can help process trauma, they can increase your courage and self-confidence, all through interaction with the limbic system, either the oils on their own or in combination with exercises and techniques (such as the Aroma Freedom techniques).

Anyone can use oils to make you feel better in that moment. You can use essential oils from certain tree species and flowers to soothe and promote sleep or you can use citrus and peppermint for focus and some extra energy. There are so many applications, in my next blogs I will explain to you which oil you can use for what and in combination with certain exercises and techniques to give them extra strength. But if you really want to use them to change the way you think and feel, a common approach won't help you because what happens is just a chemical reaction. It helps you at that moment, but in the long run it doesn't change the habits or patterns that take place in your brain. If you want to permanently change the way you think, feel or act, break through limiting beliefs, or overcome deep-seated fears, you need a disciplined approach to harness the benefits of these oils. Remember when I said that the olfactory bulb transmits messages to your limbic system related to aroma, this is really the most important thing! When you use the right essential oils with the right exercises and techniques, whether that be therapy, affirmations, meditation, journaling or any other form of personal development, the oils not only work together at that chemical level but the olfactory bulb transmits. those new positive messages also pass directly to the limbic system, as it were it is reprogrammed. So yes oils can make you feel better instantly, but in combination with the right techniques and exercises they can make a permanent change. Now there are a few rules to make sure you do it the right way to get the best results, I'll break them down for you.


Every thought, every emotion, every action you have reinforces the patterns that are already there. This means that to see results, the real changes you need to be consistent in both how you use the oils and what oils you use. I recommend that you start with a daily practice or habit to promote your personal development (think of meditation or journaling) and then use the same oil every day. Make sure you have the oil with you all day and use it throughout the day, just smelling the same aroma helps to boost that daily practice or habit.


It's not going to work if you've tried it for a week and then already throw in the towel. Remember when I was talking about those olfactory neurons, they regenerate every six to ten weeks. I recommend that you use the same exercise and the same oils for at least as long.


I myself only use Young Living oils, these are 100% pure oils with a therapeutic grade. dr. Perkus who invented the Aroma Freedom technique also based it on Young Living oils. If you need help finding the right oils, send me a message and I'll find the oils for you that will benefit you the most.


Many oils have similar properties, with some minor differences or variations that can make a big difference. If you have a specific intention it is important to use the right oil. I often use melanges or blends that contain different oils. Oils are divided into categories, each category of oil has a specific effect on a certain emotional level. The flowers category are very soothing and relaxing oils, the trees category are very grounding and stabilizing. Citrus oils are very energetic, and oils consisting of herbs and spices are the more complex oils that you can use for the emotionally heavier work.


Your reaction to an oil can give you some direction, but if you don't like the smell of an oil, it doesn't mean it can't do its job. Choose an oil based on its effect and the support it can give you and not because it smells so good. It is important how you react to an oil, in general the common reactions are:

  • The oil attracts strong

  • The smell of an oil is very repelling

  • The smell of an oil is a bit neutral

My experience with the oils is that when you feel strongly attracted to an oil you are more willing or aware of the problem, the emotion or the thought and that you really feel ready to start working on it. When you have a strong aversion to an oil, it often means that something is brought up that you are not ready for or are not aware of yet, you subconsciously resist working with it. And often it's because it's not the right time yet, that there are other areas to work on, multiple layers to peel off. With an AFT- or TMRT session you get to work with that, peeling off the multiple layers to see what is actually still going on with you subconsciously. It is important to look at your first reaction to an oil and what change occurs when you start using the oil consistently. The way you think about the oil, as well as how you think the oil smells, will change based on your emotional state at the time. As you're peeling off layers and touching different areas, your emotions will shift the scent and your reaction to the scent will change with it and I think that's really cool! I have already had the opportunity to do several AFT- and TMRT sessions with clients and I think that first reaction is so beautiful, that first reaction to the change you immediately notice whether they are resisting it or are open to the change.


Okay, now you know how essential oils work, how your emotions work and you know the 5 important rules to make sure you get the best out of yourself. But you're now at the point where you're feeling a little overwhelmed with where to start? So many different emotions, so many different oils and so many different things you want to tackle in your life. So I made a FREE E-book that's called RESETmindfully with 6 steps to transform your emotions and realize your heart's desire! These 6 steps are the steps to perform an Aroma Reset, a technique that allows you to work on the day-to-day things in the present. This is a good technique to slowly get used to the oils, it is also a really fantastic blend that you use for this. In my next blog I will tell you more about the different oils, their properties and how they work. I also give you concrete examples of how you can use the oils, for which emotions and in combination with which exercises or habits you can use them best. That way you have some tips to get started.


The Aroma Reset, which I've talked about before, is a great way to calm or relax yourself while the kids are driving you crazy, traffic is frustrating you on the road, or that annoying customer at work is taking care of it. that you want to shout it out.

I have for you the free RESETmindfully in 6 steps to transform your emotions and realize your heart's desire! composed.

  • Create more peace by letting go of stress and frustration

  • Do you want to be less stuck in old patterns

  • Do you want less stress (complaints)?

Usually you do not take the steps, because events or (bad) experiences from the past stand in your way (of which we often do not even realize that they actually play a role in our lives).

These 6 steps still bring me clarity, peace and calm on a daily basis, that's why I like to share them with you

You can request this download for free HERE via my website, then you can immediately subscribe to my monthly newsletter, you certainly don't want to miss it, because then you will also receive all the great offers full of tips and motivations in your mailbox. If you request the RESETmindfully you also have a chance to win a FREE Aroma Freedom Online Mini Training! What will you learn during this training?

  • The power of scent

  • What are essential oils?

  • Essential oils and emotions

  • TMRT - session for past triggers

  • Aroma Reset - simple technique to relieve your own day from frustrations and stress in the here and now

  • AFT - session to gain insight into obstacles and beliefs that stand in the way of your goals that you want to achieve in the future

Are you not yet in possession of the oil blend for the Aroma Reset? Then you can order these in my webshop, you will find the link to my webshop below. If you really want to get started with the oils and your emotions, I advise you to order the Homekit for 30 days, then you can really see the result if you use the oils consistently for 30 days. If you have any questions about RESETmindfully, the Aroma Reset or the Aroma Freedom Online Mini Training, please send me a message via email or one of my socials.

Psst...Disclaimer here! 𝘐 am not a doctor or medical professional. This information is not ment to diagnose, treat or cure a sickness from mind or body. We are not talking about mental illnesses, but about the emotions we ALL have.


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